The new EndoGyn Website
Wellcome to EndoGyn®
Endoscopic Gynecology Centers
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Wellcome to EndoGyn®
Endoscopic Gynecology Centers
Please select your choice from the main menue.
Here you can find informations about the chosen topic and results of our special treatment options
Wellcome to EndoGyn® Forum
there is the new EndoGyn-Forum, which is implemented directly into the EndoGyn Websites and thus allows a faster navigation between different sites and Informations.
Step-by-step some of the informations of the old message board will be transferred.
Under “discussions” you can already now ask questions and/or issue an proposal.
If you register, you may see the new contents directly after login.
Surgery in 99 % without a laparotomy!
Laparoscopy without carbon dioxide gas!
Better cosmetics!
We take our patients serious!
Adhesions in the abdomen pull on parts of the intestines and sometimes cause an obstruction. Symptoms may include: pain cramps intermittent vomiting difficulty with passing gas or having a bowel movement swelling of the abdomen Symptoms vary depending on the tissues involved. For example, in the gastrointestinal tract, bowel obstructions may occur. Mechanical small bowel […]
The tissue develops when the body's repair mechanisms respond to any tissue disturbance, such as surgery, infection, trauma, or radiation. Although adhesions can occur anywhere, the most common locations are within the abdomen, the pelvis, and the heart. Pelvic adhesions: Pelvic adhesions may involve any organ within the pelvis, such as the uterus, ovaries, fallopian […]
Surgery without any effects…
and which could be very dangerous, especially in adhesions surgery cases!
The next some images show why a surgery without adequate adhesion barriers doesn’t work and therefore is absolute unnecessary, without any effect and can be dangerous.
Hysterectomy is one of the gynaecological operations performed most commonly. World-wide, approximately 75% of the hysterectomies are performed abdominally for various indications. Hysterectomy is an effective standard procedure when treating dysfunctional uterine bleeding, uterine myomatosis, adenomyosis,endometriosis, and other benign diseases Minimal-invasive operation techniques, if indicated and performed correctly, have considerable advantages for the patient. Compared […]
Endometriosis is a common condition affecting women. It is a chronic, painful, and often progressive disease in women. The causes of
Endometrial Implants
Endometriosis occurs when cells from the mucus membrane lining the uterus (endometrium) form implants that attach, grow, and function outside the uterus, generally in the pelvic region.
http://www.karunya.edu/seesha_krch/workshop/lap/index.html Finally, we are reaching out to Rural Surgeons and establish a training program starting with this workshop. Dr. Gnanaraj Jesudian and I wish to provide a start-up philosophy to introduce laparoscopy also in rural areas of India and other countries, utilizing gasless Lift-Laparoscopy. Workshop on Lift Laparoscopic [Gasless] Surgery – July 15-17, 2013
3D / 4D Ultraschall Baby Aufnahmen sind prinzipiell die gesamte Schwangerschaft über möglich. Der 3D-Baby Viewing Ultraschall wird abdominal über die Bauchdecke durchgeführt.. Zur optimalen Darstellung des Feten kann der 3D-Ultraschall in den frühen Wochen der Schwangerschaft auch vaginal durchgeführt werden. Dies bietet in der Frühschwangerschaft den Vorteil, dass die Bildqualität so zu diesem […]
25 years of gasless laparoscopy – right from the beginning to plagiarism such as STAAN or MINEA Lift. For 25 years now Dr. Kruschinski is applying gasless laparoscopy successfully. Based on japanese developments he was the first one to establish this technique in Germany in 1990. In 1994 Dr. Kruschinski was running the German Kongress […]