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Doctors not taking pain serious
- Most of the doctors don't take patients serious, that had surgery in the past and have chronic pain. They give them drugs and pain medications, and sometimes they send the patient to the psychiatric department if they cant' find a real reason for the pain of patients. An 78 old lady with chronic pain and nausea and frequent vomit attacks. After years of nugging on her doctor he sent her in the end to the psychaitric department. She was operated with an ovarian cancer 15 years ago so we assumed that there was something more "than only pain in her head". We performed laparoscopy and have found extreme adhesions and a reccurent ovarian carcinoma on the transverse colon
- and a peritoneal spread aof these ovarian reccurent cancer…
- Together with our surgeon we had to perform a hemicolectomy:
- where a tumor of 9 cm diameter was infiltratin the transverse colon:
What is the conclusion ?
In case of chronic abdominal pain and a history of any surgery in the past,
don't relay on your doctor, educate yourself and search for adequate treatment options.