
Local, regional, national and international patients that come to us, traveled often long distances to reach our hospital, that's why we decided implementing the EndoGyn® concept, also to other locations as a distributed hospital concept. Introducing this concept, it will be possible to offer more patients our surgical potentials. In the EndoGyn® hospitals we offer a state-of-the-art high-quality management (means quality assurance and optimal care) of the patients according to an individually treatment concept. We will intergrate hospitals in Germany as well as worldwide to participate in our EndoGyn® -concept. Identical surgery, therapy and treatment concepts will be thought to doctors, OR team and staff in order to achive comparable conditions among all EndoGyn® centers. The patient might select the site of a EndoGyn® hospital to individual requirement profiles and illness-particularly. Selected and special surgeries will be carried out at all centers through the center directors, international experts or by Dr. Kruschinski. 




Foto: joexx ./ Quelle: www.PHOTOCASE.com